Public Sector

Establish the right foundation for your modern data initiatives.

Entrada helps Public Sector organizations establish the right foundation to leverage your data, ensuring your organization can realize ROI on your Databricks Lakehouse faster.

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Featured Public Sector Use Cases by Entrada

Transportation Optimization

With an ever-increasing population, public and private transportation means are becoming increasingly stressed. With the advancement of technology, there are also more options for means of transportation. Entrada’s Transportation Optimization solution helps organizations looking to optimize roadways and improve public transportation by deploying AI and ML solutions that analyze large volumes of data then make recommendations to reduce congestion, improve flow of people and traffic, increase safety, and suggest other means of transportation.


Urban Planning

With the advancement of technology, people expect available public services to embrace modernization initiatives and the development of smart cities. Entrada’s Urban Planning solution helps organizations optimize utilities, waste management, energy, infrastructure, and more with advanced data analysis and data science tools.



Educators and administrative staff are increasingly burdened with paperwork and menial tasks that are ripe for automation, so they can focus on what they do best – educating their students. Entrada’s Education solution identified tasks within schools and universities that are good targets for automation, and then leverages AI and ML tools to automate them, freeing up staff time for higher value activities.

Why Entrada for Public Sector

By partnering with Entrada, you can scale your in-house team with the right capabilities to establish a strong foundation for future success on Databricks.



Entrada brings Public Sector industry + Databricks experts who understand the underlying data + relevant use cases to modernize your business. We ensure foundational success with your data lakehouse to unlock future innovation such as AI/ML.


Flexible Teams

Entrada’s certified experts in the US, EMEA, and LATAM provide turnkey access to deliver data modernization outcomes. We provide our clients with access to our experts through a myriad of commercial structures, ensuring the team meets your business needs and budget.


Quick Starts

From threat detection to product quality inspection, Entrada has built and leverages a catalog of quick starts and accelerators for commonly implemented use cases to help you jump start your Databricks investment.


Millions of users worldwide trust Entrada

For all inquiries including new business or to hear more about our services, please get in touch. We’d love to help you maximize your Databricks experience.